Thursday 10 December 2009

Rain Just When You Don't Want It


I know I complain when there is no rain and complain when there is.  Today was so hot and I left home early to get lots done at SCANN.  By 9am the sun was beating down and the earth was just piles of dusty dirt clinging to everything.  I had an early shower, hair included and decided to stop it getting too dusty put it into two plaits, looked just like a school girl.

I trip to SCANN ever eventful involved popping my head into a new internet cafe on the main road and finding it wasn't working then getting on a matatu who wanted to charge me 15bob instead of 10bob for where I alight.  He obviously decided it was better not to argue with me and just smiled and wished me a good day.  I avoided the group of young men who always give me a bit of hastle for 'breakfast' but never get any. Found a boda boda man and headed down the steep hill to SCANN.  When I got there it was cooler as always as it is surrounded by trees and in the shade, so temperature wise it was good workable temperature.

I got to work completing the forms that I was summarising and put the results on the computer, by this time it was getting towards lunchtime for the boys.  I sat in the dining room watching them eat their githerie (bean stew) and continued working.  Later I decided it was time to leave and headed to the computer room to put my paperwork away (so tired of carrying it there is so much and it is so heavy).  

I got caught by Kombo who wanted to go over the details for Christmas lunches etc, apparently my input was imperative.  It took about 30 minutes of discussion, when we had finished and I was about to leave the heavens opened, I was stuck at SCANN for an hour and a half.  Now today I had no sweater or jacket and definitely no umbrella, every other day I carry a sweater and a waterproof jacket, just my luck.

I sat with the boys in the computer room watching them completing new computer learning skills programs that have been provided by a college here in Kenya, they love them.  I waited patiently for the rain to cease, but it seemed to be here to stay, in a short period of less rain I ran to the office where Kombo was sorting out the clothes we are to give out for Christmas, I borrowed a Reebok jacket and legged it up the road.  

When I arrived in town I was walking along one of the small alleys to the main street, along the way there were two small children playing at scaring each other by roaring, watched on by their parents.  As I walked by I roared at them to join in, unfortunately the children were not amused and as I quickened my pace along I heard the children screaming in terror, I didn't think I was that scary.... obviously I am. There will be two more traumatised children who are scared of white people now!

I decided to sit in the internet and check my emails, still feeling guilty about the screaming children, but it is now warm and comforting to know that my friend Nick is free to collect me in about 30 minutes instead of fighting my way through the crowds to the matatu stage only to be crammed into the matatu for the bumpy journey home.    Don't you just love Kenya!

Love to you all, a rather damp and mouldy smelling Susannah

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