Hi Everyone,
this is a type on the hoof email so good luck, sorry for typos and things (they will be revealed later in email (needless to say I have become a light weight!) ..... Today has been an interesting day. It has shown me another face of Kenya. As all you who read my emails know I have been desperately without water for a week now, 4 days in Kenya is acceptable..... a week ummmmmmm. After repeated moans from me and visits to his office 'the water man' has visited me now three times with his men. I get the distinctive feeling that he wishes to visit me without his men, maybe I would get water quicker! I was cautious when he asked me casually if I lived in this big house alone....... I replied what business was it of his or the water people.
Today after numerous text messages a maintenance man I knew came to the house and found the problem........ How do I put this..... outside my property is an area called 'roadside' it is land that is adjoining the property which is acquired with the property but must not be walled or used for building but can be used and maintained as your own, providing access is readily available for the water people. Today the maintenance man found that I did in fact have no water in the pipe....... I already knew this. He investigated outside further, more diligent than the other guys. He started digging and found my water pipe. It surprised me by being plastic. It had been cut and the supply end had been folded back on itself, tied and weighed down by a very large rock then covered with soil.
I was needless to say horrified, apparently it is something that occurs more often when there is low water supply and the neighbours hope to increase their supply by reducing yours. I wanted him to go to my new neighbour who was constructing their property and raise hell. The maintenance man said he had no proof as to who had done it, I tried to point out that my other neighbours had admitted to having no water for months as they had not paid their bills so it was not them. He was not prepared to get involved and I left the scene having paid out for a piece of pipe to join the gap.
I left home when the job had been finished and went to town - it was my day off, I went to my friend the computer man to copy some learning discs for the boys to use on the computer at Scann. I went to the opticians for glasses for one of the boys, I paid in advance my water bill - begrudgingly. Asked about the disputed rates bill, gave in my electricity reading, went to the post box (nothing there) visited my friend at her stall, to all those that know 'Ruth the bead lady' says hi and when are you all coming to visit.
I had packed some shower items this morning with the resolve that after I had completed my list of things to do I would head to Hotel Mercia for a swim (to get a towel) and a well awaited shower. By the time I got to the pool it had cooled and no one was about other than a business meeting by the pool. I um'ed and ah'ed but after a glass of red wine decided what the heck it couldn't be that cold. I was so wrong, whilst I was in the pool Ruth appeared and said she thought that my lack of showering had turned the pool brown - cheek. She left quickly as the only way for me to keep warm was to swim. I had to make the most of the 200KS price of a swim. It was well worth it, another glass of wine later and I was off to the shower. I was good and remembered to be patient and run the water for some time before being rewarded with HOT water, full force. I shaved legs, arm pits, scrubbed, washed hair. I am now a new woman. I dried and went back out in my bikini to dry in the now available sunshine. Not only the warmth of the sun kicking in but also the wine, I feel great, my hair has dried with lovely blonde highlights, all soft and curly after a recent cut, instead of greasy and lank as it was when I arrived.
Dominic called to say that the water is now connected and pressure is better than it has been for weeks, maybe manage a shower at home now. Mind you the 200ks was well worth it I have had a lovely day. I passed a woman who owns a boutique in town, she told me I looked lovely..... I feel lovely. Pity it will be wasted on the dogs and Dominic. OK off home now to do the mega pile of washing, tomorrow I won't be in good shape, my back will be breaking from bending over the basin washing, but I will be happy in the knowledge that I had a good day today and am achieving the list of things that need to be done before I leave.
Happy birthday to birthday people, hugs when I get home.
Nats and David Happy Anniversary sorry not there to 'sit'.
Dad Happy Fathers Day etc etc etc.
See you all soon ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
Love you all.
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