Hi Everyone,
hope you are all well and happy.
I prepared this email at home and can't remember what's in it, have been back and forth from town and every time they are without electricity, there is a major replacement of electrical power lines, (not sure what the problem is with the water supply though probably no electricity to pump the water...... whatever) . Read on .... and hopefully enjoy. For all of you that have kindly offered to help with collecting me, Nathalie my sister has managed to re arrange her family to collect me. THANK YOU XXXXXX.
Looking at my watch trying to see the date reminds me I really must arrange an appointment with the optician and the dentist. I am really struggling to thread needles a problem when I am doing all the sewing for the boys, usually when I am at Scann doing hand sewing I ask one of the boys sitting with me, usually Mwangi, he threads it in a second and beams in satisfaction that he could and I couldn’t, sign of age unfortunately!!
I have seen how the dentists work out here there is little preventative and repair work done. You have a problem you remove the tooth, that easy. They aren’t too great with the pain killers or anesthetics either having been with one of the older boys during an extraction I vowed to never need attention out here.
The medical clinic at Scann is doing well, I am so glad I pushed for it and regular medical attendances. The Doctor is still coming once a week and seeing ‘patients’, many have problems with skin complaints at the moment, lots of skin rashes that we cant fathom. I have trained Anastasia to stand in whilst I am away, she seems to have grasped the system, my only worry is the stock checking, as the Scann Board will be watching us closely with all the drugs we have on site. I am doing a handover stock count this week to cover myself and hope Anastasia is good with hers. Trust is something that is not highly given over here, the medical clinic has come about because I am trusted, something that Anastasia will be working hard to earn.
I am sewing for Kenya at the moment, I think word has got around that I am leaving soon. I have a problem, I know that boys aren’t just giving me repairs, they want alterations done too, designer fashion. I try where I can but have my limitations. It is great to see their faces when I manage to produce what they have dreamed of having.
The boys are wandering what will happen when I return to the UK as I am their only Kinyozi, (barber). Three months down the line and I think they will all need major sheering. What annoys me is that the boys get beaten at school if they don’t keep their hair cut, it makes no difference if they come from a place like Scann or a nice family. Problem is that with 138 boys it is hard to keep on top of the shaving especially as some of the boys are rarely seen by me as they return at 6pm in the evening and leave before 6am. I refuse to leave my clippers for general use as they have managed to get through 4 pairs, I can’t afford to keep replacing them.
On Wednesday this week I went to the water office to tell them that it has been a month since I was told on a Friday that I would have a new meter fitted on the Monday….. needless to say they didn’t come. I went to tell them that it was in their interest to come and replace the meter as it had now stopped recording altogether. I was told that an engineer would be with me the next day, I informed them as it was my day off I would be home all day. I spent all day sewing and didn’t leave the house, I waited and waited an additional problem was NO WATER. At 5pm I called the manager and asked where his men were, he said they were delayed and would call the next day, I asked what happened with the water, he said there was a problem!!
Now it would appear that in Kenya if you are white you are supposed to have numerous people working for you. You are not personally supposed to go and pay your bills, get your shopping, fetch your mail or wait at home for water engineers. I explained to the manager that I would not be home on Friday as I was not prepared to waste another day off. He said it would not be a problem so long as my Staff were home. I pointed out that I was the staff. He promised to call me when he was sending the engineer, maybe it will be another month. Oh,, and today (Friday), still no water. I have washing sitting in basins waiting to be rinsed as I had started washing them (in rain water saved in basins) yesterday in the anticipation that the mains would come on later, funny it didn’t. As it didn’t rain last night not enough rain water left to rinse them and am holding on to my reserve in the 50 ltr tank in case water isn’t forth coming soon.
I am now down to three puppies, two dogs and two cats. The acquired male puppy went to Mwangi the electrician who reserved him. I decided that I would try and get homes for the puppies and settle Kim before I left Kenya. Today I discovered she is on heat again, so no roaming for her!!!!!!!!! Life is getting easier without all the puppies, can't believe how much cleaning up the garage is taking at least now with only three of them it is manageable.
I am starting to get provisions in for Dominic, that is in the hope that he is coming back from Maralell, if he doesn’t there will be problems. One thing at a time, I will cross that hurdle as and when it arises, no use worrying needlessly.
I am concerned about the prospect of getting home and no work, that would be a disaster, but as I am not bothered what I do I think it won't be a problem. Nathalie has managed to re arrange herself and is now collecting me from the airport. I am looking forward to seeing everyone but know I will miss the boys so much.
I am constantly talking to them about my return to the UK and that I will return to them I think I may do a calendar chart so they can see (a bit like an advent calendar but different) only problem is that I don’t have a return date yet, depends on price of flights.
OK will leave you in the knowledge that looks like we will be having lots of rain today so may be able to get the washing rinsed. The maize is no longer looking like ‘onions’ it is looking healthier and may just manage to provide a crop of corn for when I return from UK.
Love to everyone, take care of yourselves until I get home.
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