Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Hi there in cold UK

Hi there in cold UK,
Just to let you know we have had temperatures in the region of the 30's recently down to 24 yesterday, still nice and hot, at least now I can walk around without getting scorch marks on my feet!!!

Quick update, I am now the proud owner of two hens, one to make chicks and one for eating eggs, not sure the correct terms but that will do for now. Gibson (guard) has been busy building a hen house, must admit he has told me he is not good but he is better than any of the fundis (workmen) I had at the house. His cockerel has been showing a good deal of interest in the lovely birds!

I visited the vet recently concerning my 'hussy' dogs, we have so many dogs appearing in the garden (Compound) at night due to my dogs howling for them that I am getting no sleep. I had already enquired about having them spayed but it is costly and dangerous for the bitches, not all survive the op. I heard of an injection for dogs of the contraceptive kind. I went into a chemist (out here they deal with animals and humans!! Not to get them mixed of course!) I left with a quick discussion on the merit of inter muscular injections and the fact that it lasted 6 months, two syringes, two needles, and vials of liquid.

Needless to say I was shaking like a leaf by the time I got home with the thought that I would have to do this myself. I explained what was going to happen to Gibson and he appeared to have full confidence in me. He held the chained dog (Fatso first in case of any problems) head and shoulders between his legs looking back, I held the rump, gave it a sharp couple of slaps and whacked it in, took a bit of a shove of the needle but Fatso didn't notice a thing, forgot I had to depress the plunger too for a mo, so that had to be done slowly. That finished, Kim was next, no problem. I did however, keep checking on the dogs to make sure they were still OK during the afternoon and evening. They haven't quite stopped howling but I think they will get bored soon, maybe they are just happy to know I am home.

I have been busy at Scann, as usual nothing runs smoothly. I returned to be called in to sit in a meeting as mediator between the prefects and the staff, there had been issues brewing that needed nipping in the bud before all hell lets loose.

I have been told that I need to get a start on clipping the boys hair as no one has done them since I left, they look like real mop heads not sure if the clippers will manage. I have also been told that the pile of sewing and repairs is huge, I pointed out that would be a long slow process with no sewing machine (it walked with my other possessions for those that don't know). I am also busy sorting out things that we can do with the smaller boys to decorate the dining hall for christmas, I have managed to print off many pages of designs of angels, santas, reindeer, xmas trees ready for photocopying and enlarging on to card for them to paint. Should be fun, my son should remember the fun we had with paint last year......... nice.

The house is good, I have been out and bought a fridge as a necessity to keep food fresh as don't want to be ill again. Today I moaned at the water man who I always moan at....... I don't mind getting water every alternate day but if he is going to do that he needs to make sure the pressure on the day water is available is adequate for people to fill their storage tanks, basins, barrels, bowls, bottles, cups etc etc. I told him that the thin streak coming out of the tap was NOT acceptable for the community. A whole days filling only gives one 25 ltr tank, its useless when there is no water for the following day, we are catching overnight rain water to wash with......... Ok when it rains, no good when it doesnt. He promised he will come to the house and look at the problem tomorrow. He will probably want cake and chai too, should tell him there isn't enough water to wash the cups!!

Gibson and I managed to wash the dogs this morning with water from the roof overnight. I got soaked, using an old cup to scoop the water was such a good idea but such a slow job. I then went indoors, climbed into a basin of cold water for a 'bath', then washed my hair and then my clothes, nice combination. managed to make the water last and had some spare in the other basin for rinsing! My clothes never get that 'whiter than white' look so isn't a problem here, so long as they smell clean and the dust is washed off them.

Anyway, think it is time for me to leave you. Hope you are all happy and managing OK. Got to go or will have to sell house to pay for the emails!
(Sorry if this is disjointed, the one I prepared and saved disappeared so this is the replacement)!

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