Wednesday, 24 January 2007


'Hi Everyone,
this is what is known as just a 'quickie' as I have a rather long shopping list to accomplish this afternoon, including finding some rather illusive maths and English teaching books that seem to have walked their way out of the school resources room!!

I hope everyone is well and for those of you that had hear Kimberley had been in hospital with major shoulder and back pain, she is now back home and relaxing until she is OK to go back to work. I haven't been too good either my stomach, that I was so pleased with has been fighting back, I had four days where I could drink anything, but food just dropped through for a visit. I am nice and slim now though!

Filming has now finished and to all that have asked, NO! I didn't appear in any of it, although we will get information when the screening is taking place and will let you know, they will have their names on the credits, probably with some weirdo woman as the chaperon! The boys at the centre did a fabulous display for the actors and crew who visited on Monday night, it was great, many of them developed a close tie with the boys who were filming and cried when they left.

I was busy today getting to grips with the stores at SCANN which haven't been touched since I was here last time, I have decided that nothing gets done unless I am here, how crazy is that I am still working from stock lists that I put in the last entries!
I started Swahili lessons accompanied by Ailsa, (who is now a good friend from i-2-i), we were talking one day and decided to make arrangements for volunteers to be able to take lessons, our first session was yesterday afternoon, there were 12 volunteers who appeared for lessons, all in their teens!! Oh well, Ailsa and I have won the maturity stakes! It was really good, I have been making quite an effort myself this time, but it is so hard, in the classroom it is so much easier. Will let you know how it turns out. On Saturday, my old homestay, Veronica is having me over to her restaurant kitchen to show me how to do traditional Kenyan cooking, I decided to ask as I have no idea how to start, I look at things in the supermarket and have no idea what they are or how to cook them, wish me luck, it also helps her at her busiest time, I can at least help with preparation. I think she also thinks it will boost her already busy restaurant having a 'white girl' in the open view kitchen!!

Nathalie hopefully by the time you get here, I will be well into cooking goat, live chicken etc etc!! Are you getting excited yet?

OK must head off to the book shop for the school requirements before my time expires and have to get back to SCANN.
Will email again when I can.
Big hugs all round, ( Martyn - not sure you qualify as I don't know you that well !!)
Love all round,

PS. you will be pleased to know the boys found two puppies that the dog had given birth to before she was poisoned, they are about a month old and they have decided that I am their surrogate mother, its all I need!!

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