Sunday, 19 August 2007

Jambo from sunny Nakuru

Hi All,

well what can I say the weather here is improving!!!! I am actually putting on suntan lotion when I go out, although didn't manage to save my nose getting burnt, keeps peeling, nice and crunchy!

I have had a lot of trouble with the internet recently and have not managed to send any emails, today I think everyone is at church attending 'Service' so the internet is good! Thanks to all those that are sending me emails, but can I remind you that large attachments will take me 'a month of Sundays' to open so am having to delete.

I am enjoying the flat I am renting although I have to say it is SO cold, the floors are concrete and don't I know it!! I have taken to wearing my extra extra thick woollen walking socks, which are useless as I didn't bring my walking boots, so am making good use of them! I haven't had the courage to use the swimming pool that is next door yet as it is never hot enough when I am at home, just when I am running round town laden with bags, sweating buckets!

I am looking forward to Paul-Simon's visit at the end of September, so if anyone wants to send me some 'nice' feel free although with baggage allowance being so bad - be careful! I am in the throws of looking at buying a house, couldn't not at the prices over here, there will be plenty of rooms for visitors if it goes through. I have taken measures to ensure that I checked, ownership, registry of title, and have a good solicitor who is helping me look at all the pitfalls. I know its crazy but it is what I feel is right.......... I will be coming home so don't worry about not seeing me again....... you should be so lucky! I hope this news doesn't come as too much of a surprise to any of you, sorry any of you that will find this hard to digest! Get those passports applied for.

Since I moved out of Scann I have had a better quality of life mentally if nothing else, I now am visiting as a volunteer and finding it much more pleasant, I know the boys miss me not being on site but I am a happier person for it.

Where do I go from here, no idea will wait and see, right now I am happy and life is good. Hope to pop to UK before Christmas.

Love to you all will keep you posted on developments, will leave you to take in the news.

Crazy Lady in Kenya,


Friday, 10 August 2007

Happy Again

Hi All,
hope you are finally getting a summer, the weather here has changed and the days are nice and warm. I am so pleased, especially as my rented flat is next door to a place with a pool (small but a pool no less).

Life in the flat is great, just what i needed. I am feeling refreshed and at peace. I visit Scann as and when I feel up to it and enjoy myself with the boys, especially as they are on break now. Today I spent all day clipping hair - have decided NO ONE is getting their hands on my new clippers!!

The space from Scann has made me rekindle my love for the place, don't ask me what it is, it is just something special. So much so that I have been house hunting.......... over here a large 3 bed with servants quarters, 1/4 acre is going to set me back the price of a new saloon car back home. I am seriously considering it.... I could commute every 3 / 6 months (or when the weather is bad). Living here is so cheap! I have people looking into the implications of such a move at this end, will keep you posted.

I am going to see a lady tomorrow (Cheryl) who lives and helps runs her dads business in Rongai, she helped at Scann as a volunteer about 5 years ago and has kept in touch with them, she is a white Kenyan whose family is involved with transporting shipments of tea worldwide, she was interested in the fact that I worked for P&O as she was forced into the job as her father became ill, she was a lady of leisure before then and doesn't 'get' the job. I thought a job a couple of days a week would be good!!!! We will see.........

Anyway, hope you are all well. The cats are doing fine, I am ensuring that the boys take care of them and have small monies for food (I cant have them at the flat!) The dog and its puppies unfortunately died, the puppies delivered but didn't survive and the dog followed a few days later, I think maybe it had eaten poison..... sad it looked after me well in return for milk and a bit of belly rubbing and affection (for the dog not me you understand!!)

Ok well I am off home as just remembered my washing is on the roof terrace and it is getting a bit overcast, at 5pm I think it is allowed!!

Love to you all.........

OH DEAR it is pouring with rain, maybe the nice guard will have collected my washing, (I don't think so as there was no undies up there!)

Bye for now


Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Still looking

Hi Everyone,

still breathing although spending a lot of time holding my breath wandering what life holds in store for me next, exciting really.

I am still looking for somewhere although think I will have to settle for the two bed place, that is 3 months old, very nice and right beside a Pastoral Centre which has its own pool (open to locals)!! The rent is expensive 56 gbp a month though, out here it is expensive!!!!!! It is ground floor flat in a building of 10, it is well secured with a high wall, and metal locked gate with GUARD! It is an ideal place so that I can have people to visit without problems, it also has a European inside toilet!! Yippee. Think I just talked myself into it!!!!!!!

On that subject just looked out of interest at a house, 3 beds, garage, servants quarters, 1/4 acre garden/shamba, for the price of 17,500 gbp..... worth thinking about for old age!!!! (oops that is nearly here already) Its lovely although the shamba needs some care, hey Nats when you coming over?????

Other than that have a funny story to tell you, the other day was walking from where I live now with a friend, hoping to get a Matatu, unfortunately there was a live concert in town and all the matatus going past were full to the roof. My friend said there was a tuktuk coming and he would get it to pick us up, I informed him that there were already passengers in it. To my astonishment the vehicle pulled up a short way ahead and a hand came out the window and waved us to it.

On approaching I laughed, inside were two enormous women dressed beautifully ready for a night on the town. They insisted we got in, I wasn't sure where we were going to fit, they laughed, they shifted over which provided enough space for one buttock so I let my friend sit and I sat on his lap. The whole trip they laughed and laughed, they were so pleased to be sharing the tuktuk with me, they didnt stop chatting. They made some comment about why I was sitting on my friends lap, I said the other option would have been one of theirs and I didn't think they would have liked it, or the driver but he needed to be able to use the pedals and so that was out. They cried.......... they reminded me of the Kenyan version of 'The Two Fat Ladies'. I later bumped into them in town, larger than life and now obviously my best friends......

Anyway, this was supposed to be a short email, as got to go decide on the flat.

Thanks for your emails.

Will be in touch soon, take care all of you. Love and hugs all round.
