Saturday, 10 April 2010

Heading Back to the UK

Hi Everyone,

I know it has been a while but things have been manic here.  My good friend Nick and family have moved into my home ready for me to fly back to UK on the 12th April. It has been an interesting exercise due to mains problems, we have had NO WATER since before they arrived (over a week) and they have two young boys with lots of washing!!!

The weather has been very changeable but that has been good providing us with rainwater at least.

Kim and Paka are getting used to their new roomies........ some have tried their patience but I am sure things will be ok.

I will write again when I get home letting you know what recent events have passed at Scann and how the boys are, at the moment I am struggling with having to go in and say 'bye'. 

Love to you all,
Susannah xx